My Colleagues, My Friends…

Dear friends,

I guessed when you read this entry, I probably on the way to the airport, flying to somewhere I belonged. I’m writing this the weekend (23 April) when I just tendered. It’s a decision I made since last year, something I have actually planned and have to, because I have already bought my air ticket few months back. Maybe I might sound a little irresponsible, hope you all don’t mind and I’m really sorry.

My three years here have been an enjoyable and of cos, unforgettable too. My first day at work, I still remember, I’m quite lost, due to culture shock. There’s a lot of thing left unexplained and I actually find it rather hard to digest as well. I have really used to the workload and the type of clients I have to handle. I have learned a lot during this three years, definitely is not easy for me as well…. Thank you to whoever always there for me 😀

HAPPY – No more cameras, no more ‘i finished my work and I cant go home’. Finally this & Finally that. 

I’m looking forward having dinner gathering with you all, together with Clarice, Jasmine and Mayyin. I guessed, it time for you to be initiative and plan for the dinner. Thanks ah! When I’m back from my trip, it’s about time to distribute my wedding card as well…. LOL!

这几年来,都是你们给了无微不至的爱戴,我才能安安心心的走到今天啊~。过的每一天都是心惊胆战的,所以我说嘛,要在这里生存可不是一件容易的事。真的不是盖的哦。就评你们一直给彼此的鼓励,就不知不觉走到今天了,真是神奇啊~ 三年了,我的忍耐度就像树胶圈一样啊,拉也拉不破,真是个打不死的蟑螂。哈哈!虽然,我并不是那些不幸运又倒霉的员工,但是我真的觉得,在每一个公司都会遇到一些很奇怪的上司和同事,我并不是最糟糕的。我很庆幸有了这样的经验。 也许,我不会是个好设计师,不会是个好工作伙伴,起码,我会是个好朋友吧?不知道你们会不会想我,会不会觉得我是有那一点点的小重要。你们不要这么快就忘了我耶!我看啊~,你们快要跟韩国歌曲说再见了。但是,会不会一听到韩语歌曲就会想起我?哈哈!真不好意思。我会永远记得在这里度过的点点滴滴,快乐的,悲伤的,神惊错乱的,永远珍惜起来。谢谢。

A thousand million thanks. Good Bye and See you all soon


0 thoughts on “My Colleagues, My Friends…”

  • hahaha only saw this now. it was really fun when the original batch was all around. but i think people in your island got crazier and crazier after i left. it was quite a pity i wasn’t around to join in the fun, but still, bo bian, had to leave. bth already. hahaha i think you must have felt the same way. i think you probably have to endure the rest of them sometime. They might not be the best colleague, but we are all definitely very good friends who can have fun together. Don’t forget our progression from colleagues -> coll-friends -> friends! ~Clarice

    • hee~ yup! definitely~ I guess it not easy to find friends in working environment, and I’m actually very happy that we still hang out and go out for dinner once in a while… 🙂 and ya endure true haha i think is good to know that we can be very good friends haha! i’m actually cant wait for our batam trip! hahaha~ *excited*

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