吉马陈蚵仔面线大王 – hellosihui https://hellosihui.com Your Best Travel Guide to Korea and Some Say More! Mon, 13 May 2019 03:53:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://hellosihui.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/profile.jpg 吉马陈蚵仔面线大王 – hellosihui https://hellosihui.com 32 32 Taiwan: 吉马陈蚵仔面线大王 https://hellosihui.com/2014/11/17/%e5%90%89%e9%a9%ac%e9%99%88%e8%9a%b5%e4%bb%94%e9%9d%a2%e7%ba%bf%e5%a4%a7%e7%8e%8b/ https://hellosihui.com/2014/11/17/%e5%90%89%e9%a9%ac%e9%99%88%e8%9a%b5%e4%bb%94%e9%9d%a2%e7%ba%bf%e5%a4%a7%e7%8e%8b/#respond Mon, 17 Nov 2014 02:16:00 +0000 https://hellosihui.com/?p=5905 …]]> [Travel in 2014]

Whether you have been to taiwan before, there’s something that most people will talk about. And that’s 蚵仔面线 (Oyster Noodles). I have ate the popular one at XiMenDing which I personally think is quite nice. My friend told me there’s one that we shouldn’t missed. And I know why after visiting.

“如果來到臺北,沒吃過吉马陈,就是沒來過臺北了” – jfeng

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#one of the best fried oyster egg I ever ate in taiwan.
the generous amount of big fat oysters cover with cabbage and traditional homemade red sauce.
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#hot and yummy oyster mee sua, its really yummy! The oysters really a lot, and really big and fat juicy one too!
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#intestine that my friend and cousin loves! 🙂
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#our delicious yummy brunch! we did order their 酸梅湯 too. 酸梅湯 is actually a drink 🙂
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#But you can see, we love our own drinks more. we bought our bubble tea that is just 1 street away from our hotel 🙂

吉马陈蚵仔面线大王 (台北)

Address: No. 41號, Nanjing West Rd, Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan 103
Phone: 886 2 2556 1188
Hours: AM 11:00 – PM 10:00
Subway Station: Zhongshan Station, Exit 4

Must Eat: 蚵仔大腸麵線、滷大腸、山豬肉香腸、乾蚵、酸梅湯

Photo taken either by Olympus EP3 / Samsung Note 3 / SJ4000
More at Instagram: #hellosihuigoestaiwan

https://hellosihui.com/2014/11/17/%e5%90%89%e9%a9%ac%e9%99%88%e8%9a%b5%e4%bb%94%e9%9d%a2%e7%ba%bf%e5%a4%a7%e7%8e%8b/feed/ 0 5905