大學路 – hellosihui https://hellosihui.com Your Best Travel Guide to Korea and Some Say More! Thu, 05 Apr 2018 02:33:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://hellosihui.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/profile.jpg 大學路 – hellosihui https://hellosihui.com 32 32 Daepo Chicken 대포찜닭 (혜화) https://hellosihui.com/2015/02/13/daepo-chicken-%eb%8c%80%ed%8f%ac%ec%b0%9c%eb%8b%ad-%ed%98%9c%ed%99%94/ https://hellosihui.com/2015/02/13/daepo-chicken-%eb%8c%80%ed%8f%ac%ec%b0%9c%eb%8b%ad-%ed%98%9c%ed%99%94/#respond Fri, 13 Feb 2015 02:16:43 +0000 https://hellosihui.com/?p=6018 …]]> [Travel in 2015]

I have a thing for seafood, and especially octopus because I love the tentacles haha! I thought its the best part of the entire octopus? haha (Okay, I lie, I actually love seafood so much, crab, prawn, scallop and octopus haha) I think I have to thank Instagram for being awesome to use hashtag. Its my favourite application on my phone! I was heading to Ihwa Mural Village for a walk, and thinking maybe we can have our lunch at Hyehwa. I know Hyehwa is another Sinchon/Myeongdong where food is not an issue, so I didn’t really research what to eat, just thought, we just randomly found one, go in and have a delicious meal. You can really trust Korea for this! That morning, i was just looking through my instagram hashtag (#혜화) and found this Daepo Chicken! I thought it looks really awesome since we have yet ate andong chicken and this come with octopus! So, we headed over and hopefully this taste real awesome 😀

 photo PC284132 copy_zps6jspcq3k.jpg

 photo PC284129 copy_zpsthbngiy4.jpg#you saw the weird chicken? haha!

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#weird chicken that give a weird loud sound when pressed. This is serve as alarm to call the waitress for orders 😉 Do you know when you seated in the restaurant halfway through the meal and heard all this funny sound. I can’t help but remind me of the small funny incident between the dory :p haha even till now, we still laughed at it haha.

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 photo PC284136 copy_zpsbhfqu8eo.jpg#side dish, I thought the corn is nice too!

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 photo PC284146 copy_zpseknsgt2n.jpg #its really too much for 2 pax. the fried octopus of cos, is nice, and its heavily loaded with cheeses on the spicy chicken. and there’s potatoes and rice noodles. Its really too much, lucky I cleared my stomach that very morning and will be heading for a village walk… OMG! I think it will be even quite a lot for 4 pax but at least its reasonable okay. I saw the couple beside us, order rice too! How can they manage to finish this!?

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#you will get 1000won discount for uploading on SNS. and I did it even before knowing this. haha! of cos, I got my 1000won discount too! :p

Direction to 대포찜닭

 photo PC284158 copy_zpszela0nfe.jpg#Hyehwa Exit 2. (“U-turn” after you exit the station)

 photo PC284157 copy_zpsgrmh6wbv.jpg#you will see the street like this with the traffic on the left. Turn right at this small crossing

 photo PC284155 copy_zps5mtm1phb.jpg#continue to walk straight all the way

 photo PC284154 copy_zpszfhwvwah.jpg#Turn left at this T junction

 photo PC284153 copy_zpsll6hpecn.jpg#continue to walk straight

 photo PC284152 copy_zpsclqdnsxj.jpg#After a short walk, you will find yourself at this big building – spot the 대포찜닭 banner! 🙂

 photo PC284151 copy_zpspgbouyql.jpg#walk in and take the lift to level 3

 photo PC284149 copy_zpsw6ncti9o.jpg

 photo PC284139 copy_zps3igkes2m.jpg

 photo PC284140 copy_zpsp9sprhh8.jpg #There’s some photo wall for more photo and the 4 steps for your help to order this dish 😀

 photo PC284145 copy_zpse5bqfcd2.jpg#end this entry with the yummy dish again haha! 😀   대포찜닭 Subway // Hyehwa Station Exit 2 Price // 29,900won (29.90USD) Website // http://cafe.naver.com/daepochicken

https://hellosihui.com/2015/02/13/daepo-chicken-%eb%8c%80%ed%8f%ac%ec%b0%9c%eb%8b%ad-%ed%98%9c%ed%99%94/feed/ 0 6018