골목냉면 – hellosihui https://hellosihui.com Your Best Travel Guide to Korea and Some Say More! Mon, 29 Apr 2019 08:08:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://hellosihui.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/profile.jpg 골목냉면 – hellosihui https://hellosihui.com 32 32 Yoo Jaesuk’s Recommends – 골목냉면 https://hellosihui.com/2017/05/09/yoo-jaesuks-recommends/ https://hellosihui.com/2017/05/09/yoo-jaesuks-recommends/#respond Tue, 09 May 2017 04:00:00 +0000 https://hellosihui.com/?p=7210 …]]> [Travel in 2016 October 2016]

Remember my post on Haru, the Tonkatsu place that Running Man’s Gary introduce during EP288? This time, I will be sharing 골목냉면 the eatery that Yoo Jaesuk’s recommends. Those were the days where Running Man is a must watch variety show for me. I haven’t been watching since 2016? haha! But, good food are still worth the post 🙂 Running Man family did not visited the store, they called delivery service at Gwangsoo’s house instead haha. But, we went to the store to have the meal instead haha. And, yes, we saw the ahjussi that brought the food to them 🙂

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#the food is served! 🙂

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#actually its taste very much like the singapore’s ban mian hahahahahahaa!

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#the noodle to be added shortly! 🙂

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Direction to 골목냉면

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#Geumho Station Exit 1 – Orange line

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#turn right 😉

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#go straight 🙂

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#cross the road 🙂

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#continue to walk straight 😀

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#and straight again 🙂

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#straight ^^

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#walk along the path “towards your left”

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#cross this zebra crossing! 🙂

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#turn right after crossing!

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#continue on path! 🙂

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#continue to walk straight!

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#a little more to go 🙂

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#turn left at this alley!

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#tadah! You reached!!! 😀

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Address in Korean: 서울 성동구 독서당로 295-7
Phone: +82 2-2235-2540
Operating Hours: 10AM–9:30PM
Subway: Geumho Exit 1

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