huka falls – hellosihui Your Best Travel Guide to Korea and Some Say More! Mon, 09 Sep 2019 07:38:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 huka falls – hellosihui 32 32 [#fly2NZ] New Zealand Day 5 Thu, 07 Dec 2017 06:04:33 +0000 …]]> [Travel in October – November 2017] 

Our simple day started with traveling from Rotorua to Taupo. Having 5 hours before check-in our next accommodation we had really plenty of time to explore along the way. We decided to head over to the Huka Fall first and eat later. Beautiful scenery will spice up our taste bud haha. According to some of my friend, Huka Fall is one of the filming destination of LOTR, I guessed fans shouldnt miss it. The clarity of the tiffany blue water is really amazing. So pretty!

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the tiffany blue water 😉
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You can take a cruise to get closer the Huka Fall or even the Jet boat (We taking the jet boat in Queentown so we not doing it here though we pretty much tempted! :p)

Huka Fall
Taupo 3377, New Zealand

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Lunch at Huka Prawn Park, this plate cost us – $49.90NZD

Huka Prawn Park
Karetoto Rd, Wairakei 3377, New Zealand

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Hello from Taupo! 🙂
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world’s coolest mcdonald in the world 🙂

Taupo Mcdonald
48 Roberts St, Taupo 3330, New Zealand

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Taupo Cafe Baku
2 Roberts Street, Taupo 3330, New Zealand

Our airbnb for a night at Lake Taupo.
One of my top 5 accommodation 🙂

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Canon M3, Go Pro 4 Hero, Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge


Follow me: IG @superstarhui / Dayre @superstarhui
#hellosihuigoesNZ for New Zealand travels
#hellosihuigoeskorea for Korea travels
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