road trip new zealand – hellosihui Your Best Travel Guide to Korea and Some Say More! Mon, 09 Sep 2019 07:49:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 road trip new zealand – hellosihui 32 32 [#fly2NZ] New Zealand Day 8 Wed, 13 Dec 2017 03:16:25 +0000 …]]> [Travel in October – November 2017] 

Leaving New Plymouth for a really long journey to Wellington. We decided to have a really simple stopover at Wellington just for our ferry over to the South Island. This journey took us 5hours, probably the longest for the past 8 days.

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First thing in the morning: Breakfast! 🙂
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Just outside our airbnb, and i have my usual tea in the morning 😉
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Because its gonna be a super long ride, we need a full tank this round.
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After 2.5 hours of car ride, we need toilet, we need food, and we were here for a short break. It’s such a pretty cafe in this small town – Foxton.
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Shopping District + Dinner

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Wellington remind me alot of Melbourne, a shopping district. I bought my first purchase in New Zealand – Pandora. I got my NZ exclusive charm. I have made a point to buy a exclusive charm every trip to keep this travel bracelet very very memorable 🙂
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When I was checking the places to eat in Wellington, there’s plenty… so much but we only have 1 meal for today… For photo worthy, I decided to be crab shack because its in Tiffany colour haha.
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Maybe we were a little earlier :p
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Too much choices, so spoilt with choices except our pocket wasnt. :p
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You know, once you had the best calamari, its so hard to get one to replace…!
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We thought the soft shell crab is tasty and better comparing the two.
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Main course for sharing 🙂
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They are pretty nice to remember the name haha 🙂
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its so crowded when we leaving
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Open concept kitchen 🙂
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You can opt for outdoor seat too.
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Crab Shack @ Wellington
5 Queens Wharf, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand

Mount Victoria Lookout @ Wellington

And, a simple trip up Mount Victoria for the view before the sunset down 🙂

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What a great day for such view 🙂
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We booked the airbnb with a label as The Castle (in Lower Hutt), to find out its designed by a well-known New Zealand architect Ian Athfield. The rooms have great view of Wellington Harbour. During our ride over, we will be having a great view of the beach for the entire ride from Wellington. Such breath-taking 🙂

P.S. Ian Athfield is really famous with his work especially – Wellington Central Library, Jade Stadium in Christchurch, and even Bangkok rapid transport system.

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The stairs, that teng said it look like beauty and the beast dungeon. she doesnt have a good feeling of the entire stay, while I find it alright, too steep and narrow stairs.
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the room, with those pillar around, I knocked straight in front of my entire face the next morning :/
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bathroom. (i didnt post the kitchen and other rooms because…. it doesn’t look as good as it is haha)
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A gift for myself, spot this cute kiwi that is exclusive in NZ 🙂

Canon M3, Go Pro 4 Hero, Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge


Follow me: IG @superstarhui / Dayre @superstarhui
#hellosihuigoesNZ for New Zealand travels
#hellosihuigoeskorea for Korea travels
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