SUMMER HOKKAIDO 2018 – DAY 3: Tomita Melon House
[Travel in August 2018]
Heading to the Melon House next to the Tomita Farm. Everyone knows, fruits in Japan taste extremely juicer and yummy, can’t wait for our melon date haha!

Tomita Melon House

Actually, Furano Marche, is pretty nothing much. It’s a little like a food court with a few different cafes and eatery. But, nothing famous, probably one of the last place you should had your meal haha!

And we went back to our hostel and get ready for the fireworks display, viewing from our hostel roof! 🙂
Tomita Melon House at Furano
Address: 3-32 Miyamachi, Nakafuranochou, Sorachigun, Hokkaido
Contact: 0167-39-3333
Tmark City Hotel (Sapporo)
Hostel Tomar (Furano)
Canon M3, Go Pro 4 Hero, Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
Follow me: IG @superstarhui
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