About Me

Sea or Mountain, I pick Sea…. Hello! I’m Sihui, and quite bad at this, but let me try harder this time.

I will be sharing my experience, travel tips right here in hellosihui.com. I started just to keep my happy memories on a online platform where I can get to read anywhere anytime. Slowly, I hope to share more to friends who loves Korea just like me, giving them a little more help regards to the direction guides…. My little wish is to provide travellers around the world a platform where they will able to plan their trip easily.

Currently, I have shared a full itinerary on the following countries Perth, New Zealand, Winter Hokkaido, Summer Hokkaido, Dubai, Macau and always updated with Korea. I will be doing up the Hong Kong 2019 and the rest of my Europe trips (cross finger) very very soon. Meanwhile, follow @superstarhui on instagram to see what I enjoyed during my stay in Singapore!

With lots of Love,
sihui πŸ™‚
[email protected]