Korea's AH PAUL

Paul, one of the most famous name in 2010. The PAUL, I’m referring to wasn’t too far from the one you might be thinking right now hur hur. Yes, the non other Live Octopus. We must have seen it often from movie and drama… Oh especially, Hello Stranger.

I thought that it could be one of the “brave-daring” thing you should ever tried when you visit Seoul! I don’t deny it wasn’t anywhere pleasant to try since its LIVE and living during the moment you consuming it. But since it’s a little culture from oversea, I guess you should give it a try? How about just one time? πŸ˜‰

The very first time was honeyeee whom bring to Hyehwa for Joanne’s and mine last day seoul trip! It was terrible enough not to know this little dish earlier γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹

Though we have our worries and scary that it might just wriggling in my throat or by chance stuck somewhere….. We still go ahead and give it a try! A nice try I admit πŸ™‚


// Alight at Hyehwa station Exit 4.


// when we exit the subway, will probably see a few tents like this. Some of them will come after work and have a drink. It’s kind of fun to see Korea so close, just like what we usually see from TV.


/// the live seafood, kinda cruel though…


/// the special sauce that goes well with the food. Slurp.



/// the live octopus really taste good and in fact have the familiar texture like jelly fish!



Since we were already at Hyehwa, we shouldn’t forget those street food selling in tent. Those you see on tv, drama just right in front of me. Kinda excited for this.

During my second trip to Seoul, we actually went on 3 meals for dinner on this day. Korean foods are just too sinful, and it’s a little sorry to your stomach if you never filled it with good food LOL!!!







I actually love the hot soup they provided, especially on this cold winter night! I actually refilled so much times that I had already lost count for it… ν•˜ν•˜ν•˜ν•˜~~ And i love that….!!! the fish cake! :))

Honestly, a big group like us, a number of almost 10, definitely bring ahjuma some laughters. And, ahjuma definitely love us so much to give us more food!Β ν•˜ν•˜ν•˜ν•˜~~

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