Tag: 弘大咖啡厅

[Seoul] Florte Flower Cafe 플로르떼 꽃 카페

[Seoul] Florte Flower Cafe 플로르떼 꽃 카페

[Travel in May 2017] Happy Birthday to myself. Birthday girl gets her way, decide how her day to be 😉 Florte Flower Cafe by Loving You, is one of the flower cafes I wanted to visit it since last year. I’m glad Carol and Cin 

Hello Kitty Cafe, Hongdae

Hello Kitty Cafe, Hongdae

[!!!!] This Hello Kitty Cafe have been relocated. New address: 서울 마포구와우산로 19길 18 Cute, Pink is something I believe most girls’ can’t resist. Furthermore, a cafe that give you everything from cute to sweet treats! Finally during my 3rd trip! I’m able to go