HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Gudeul 구들 Omakase

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Gudeul 구들 Omakase

[Travel in December 2022 – January 2023] Today marks the conclusion of my journey, a journey I eagerly anticipated since the onset of Covid, and I am thrilled to be back home at last! For my final evening, I’ve opted for something truly extraordinary – 

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Dongmyojib 동묘집 Spicy Webfoot Octopus

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Dongmyojib 동묘집 Spicy Webfoot Octopus

[Travel in December 2022 – January 2023] The webfoot octopus is one of my absolute favorite ingredients in Korea! Every trip, without fail, I make sure to indulge in them. Their flavor is simply divine; they’re incredibly delicious! Even my go-to snack tends to be 

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Donhwamun Gate 창덕궁 돈화문 昌德宮 敦化門

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Donhwamun Gate 창덕궁 돈화문 昌德宮 敦化門

[Travel in December 2022 – January 2023] It’s possible you may have misunderstood Donhwamun Gate as a palace in its own right, but it is, in fact, a magnificent gate that functions as the primary entrance to Changdeokgung Palace, one of Seoul’s five major royal 

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Cheong Su Dang 청수당 淸水堂 Ikseon-dong 익선동

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Cheong Su Dang 청수당 淸水堂 Ikseon-dong 익선동

[Travel in December 2022 – January 2023] I had heard a lot about this cafe before arriving here. I’m pretty certain you’ve come across pictures of this place while researching your upcoming trip to Korea. Whenever I passed by, I noticed that the waiting line 

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Seoullo 7017

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Seoullo 7017

[Travel in December 2022 – January 2023] The pedestrian walkway known as “Seoullo 7017” has become a prominent landmark right next to Seoul Station. The name “Seoullo 7017” is a fusion of “Seoul” and “lo,” which translates to “road” in Korean. The number “7017” signifies 

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Soha Salt Pond

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Soha Salt Pond

[Travel in December 2022 – January 2023] I’m thrilled to introduce you to this place! It’s going to become one of my all-time favorite cafes, right up there with 동백양과점. No trip to Korea is complete without visiting these cafes. It’s going to be a 

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Windmill in Sinchon, Seoul

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Windmill in Sinchon, Seoul

[Travel in December 2022 – January 2023] 🙂 I’ve always held a fondness for windmills – they symbolize my modest aspirations to explore every city I visit, with the hope of stumbling upon one during my journeys. While the Netherlands has long been a dream 

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: 너무한육회연어 2muchsalmon

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: 너무한육회연어 2muchsalmon

[Travel in December 2022 – January 2023] Oh gosh, look at the salmon! No Korea trip is complete without indulging in a delightful salmon dinner. While my go-to spot has always been “Salmon Bingsoo,” I recently stumbled upon a highly regarded eatery frequented by locals 

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Granhand @ Dosan

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: Granhand @ Dosan

[Travel in December 2022 – January 2023] As I was at Nudake Haus previously, so I know I have to visit Granhand that is just opposite Nudake. It’s always buying more things here, because it’s always not enough :p It’s calling me to go in! 

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: NUDAKE Haus, Gentle Monster,  Tamburins @ Dosan

HELLO KOREA 2022/2023: NUDAKE Haus, Gentle Monster,  Tamburins @ Dosan

[Travel in December 2022 – January 2023] Dosan Park, located in the Gangnam district of Seoul, South Korea, is an upscale neighborhood known for its trendy boutiques, cafes, and high-end shopping. Named after Dosan Ahn Chang-ho, it embodies modern luxury while paying homage to the