Tag: Holidays

HONGKONG 2019 D05 – Goodbye Hong Kong

HONGKONG 2019 D05 – Goodbye Hong Kong

[Travel in May 2019] A simple trip with fun is usually fast. It just felt I just arrived and I am leaving haha. but thankful for a great trip, so simple and so relax too. The only down side is alot of raining days! (Luckily 

Day Trip to Daejeon 1/3

Day Trip to Daejeon 1/3

Daejeon: Daedong Sky Park [Travel in October/November 2016] My autumn trip that happened last year was really amazing. It’s my first time to Korea in Autumn despite visiting for the 13th time! I love autumn more than anything. It’s beautiful and a little colder compare 

#fly2perth : Prologue

#fly2perth : Prologue

I have heard alot of my friends sharing how boring Perth isย and how they doesn’t want a return trip there. But, I love Perth, enjoyed alot during the 10 days I am there. Its not my first time to Australia, I have been to Melbourne 

Summer Aussie: I’m Back!

Summer Aussie: I’m Back!

I’m back, FINALLY? Australia is so fun, but so so so expensive. Currently, a little bit busy with work, so after this, I will start blogging. So so so fun and exciting, I can’t wait to share with everyone and kept this lovely memories! ๐Ÿ™‚ 

[October 2008] Getaway Trip with Family

[October 2008] Getaway Trip with Family

I was seriously wanna know if any people out there still remember my getaway to “london big ben” anyway, i just give a short blogging on it. how’s it? haha! seriously, i am now using macbook, was quite different as i thought. despite i was