Tag: Melbourne

Missing Australia

Missing Australia

(Row 1 L to R) Photo1: Reached Swansea after 2.5hours of rides… (more detail later)… Photo2: On our way to Launceston, reached a small town call Perth and have our breakfast there πŸ™‚ Photo3: My very first time eating Beetroot. I feel so healthy πŸ™‚ 

Unforgettable Tasmania

Unforgettable Tasmania

We seriously had an really unforgettable episode for our Tasmania trip. Just to share, none of the 4 of us actually went before. Everything was based on research, and some help from Clarice, who went before! πŸ™‚ But, I love the planning/research and everything in 

Summer Aussie: DAY1

Summer Aussie: DAY1

I’m finally back from Australia for a week! Still thinking and missing the place so much, was it friend? was it the companion? was it the country? I love them all! I was terrible busy the entire last week till today with work! And, since 

Summer Aussie: I’m Back!

Summer Aussie: I’m Back!

I’m back, FINALLY? Australia is so fun, but so so so expensive. Currently, a little bit busy with work, so after this, I will start blogging. So so so fun and exciting, I can’t wait to share with everyone and kept this lovely memories! πŸ™‚