Tag: 성수동

KOREA 2024: Cafe Onion Seongsu 카페 어니언 성수

KOREA 2024: Cafe Onion Seongsu 카페 어니언 성수

[Travel in March 2024] I didn’t initially plan to visit this cafe because it’s quite overhyped and not very new. It’s already all over the web and needs no introduction, haha. But since it was on my way, I thought, why not grab a cup 

KOREA 2024: Rain Report Croissant (Seongsu)

KOREA 2024: Rain Report Croissant (Seongsu)

[Travel in March 2024] My first stop for the trip was at an official café. The previous day was filled with errands, during which my cousin and I did a lot of shopping and treated ourselves to a refreshing hair treatment, all to prepare for 

카페 앤아더 Cafe &Other x Seoul Forest + Understand Avenue

카페 앤아더 Cafe &Other x Seoul Forest + Understand Avenue

[Travel in March / April 2018] This time round, I will be sharing with you, how to spend a day (or maybe half a day) at Seoul Forest! We will be heading to a container mall followed by a slow stroll at Seoul Forest and 

쉐어드테이블 Share D Table

쉐어드테이블 Share D Table

[Travel in March/April 2018] Another instagram-worth cafe post. I think, I really find joy in researching different cafes in Korea and secretively complete them in my invisible “must-visit-cafes-next-trip” list. There’s so many posts that will be coming up very soon since this trip I did mostly