Tag: shinhwa minwoo

Cherry Blossom at Songpa Naru Park

Cherry Blossom at Songpa Naru Park

[Travel in March/April 2016] Every year during my trip, I wish to see cherry blossom even though, I am not a flower person. Seeing Cherry Blossomย is like, happiness overflow. The beauty in the pinkish flowers that surprised me every trip. Last year we were too 

March Rabbit Salad at Sinsa

March Rabbit Salad at Sinsa

[Travel in March/April 2016] I realised SHINHWA’s Minwoo have been posting March Rabbit Salad very often, and this made me really curious about this salad place. I have realised in Korea, its pretty hard to eat salad or green vegetable off a dish. Its not 

Perfect Man!

Perfect Man!

  Perfect Man, I should say it’s more likely to be PERFECT MEN. They are no longer young like the olden day, neither they are the big thing in Korea right now. But, their effort was really well-appreciated by many. Their latest album are really 



# years back when they are young and crazy… #very mature and gentleman looking, yet still crazy and young at heart. Can’t help it, but, I have successfully converted to SHINHWA CJ! ๐Ÿ™‚ Many years ago, I still remembered how my partner-in-crime shared with me