Tag: We Got Married

[ASIAN ON-AIR PROGRAM 2013] My Unforgettable Travel Story: My Many First in Korea

[ASIAN ON-AIR PROGRAM 2013] My Unforgettable Travel Story: My Many First in Korea

Get to know more about this Asian On Air Program from facebook, and thought that I could share some of my travel experience with fellow bloggers and readers.ย Nevertheless, I have been blogging about my travelogue from times to times… and I thought this is a 

Thanks Nature Cafe in Hongdae

Thanks Nature Cafe in Hongdae

This post is definitely for someone who love animals, and in fact Sheep ๐Ÿ™‚ This is the closest encounter I had with sheep and they are just simply cute. Though I went Aussie before, and there’s plenty of sheeps around as well, but not so