Happy Birthday Kimchi Twinnie! :)
Kimchi Twinnie is actually my ‘bus-stop’ friend, that most of you have heard me mentioned before.
I think it’s still very amazing how this friendship last and how it actually happened!
I pretty guessed much before that her clique of friends did wonder… so does my friends too!
hur hur. And they all wonders… and curious…!And yet both our friends really find it amazing!
Instead, I find it more than amazing, it’s awesome too!
Remembering the poly years, after we knew each other, I have no idea when we start to exchange number
and purposely meet to go to school. The amazing part is that we actually studied from different faculty,
She is from Business, while I’m from IT. Those were the days, we will always talk about 仔仔 and 瑋柏.
hur hur! Can’t remember when, I even intro her job at Kumon centre, which both of us worked as tutor,
and headed there from school, and back home. haha! Amazing indeed!
And friendship still last till now. Amazing & Awesome! 🙂
Anyway, we always make a point to meet up during our birthday month for a good celebration.
Early May, we did have a celebration but a mini one, because Mavis just had her operation
few days before our meet-up. Hence, we promised to make up with it. And, times flies,
we did not even realize, the next meet-up actually turn out to be 3 months later! Oh Gosh, my bad.
Have been Arbite for twice, and sharing with friends that it’s one of the best
All-Days-Breakfast cafe with such affordable price. And definitely with Mavis, since both of us love
All-Days-Breakfast, and further more, it’s not too far away from our place. Oh, we stayed so near
to each other, which explained how we get to know each other at the bus-stop! ^^
#wrapped gift for Mavis. Simple gift yet I hope she got to use for her next career path! 🙂
#she bought me lovely gift too!
#this is a very very interesting gift.
She said that, she gave 2 of her friends this, and they got attached!
And she hope I will find the ideal guy soon.
So sweet of her! She mentioned before to me, she hope we can go on double-date!
She and her bf, and me with my ‘newfoundbfwhomyettobefound’ hur hur
In any case, this is a great gift, because its means life.
And I will remember to change and take care of this little life
and hope it bring great surprises to my life, be it love or career! 🙂
#my sweet date – kimchi twinnie mavis!
#and of cos me the superstar 🙂
#that’s mine. poached egg is something I eat, with yolk! hur hur
#check out the flooding egg yolk! my goddess!
#mavis with her all-day-breakfast set.
#thank you Mavis for the gift. It’s now safely on my table 🙂 Grow well! ^^
#before i go, one last candid pic from Mavis of me! 🙂
Ciao! 🙂