Tag: Tanukikoji Shopping Street

Summer Hokkaido 2018 – Day 1: Sapporo Ramen Zero

Summer Hokkaido 2018 – Day 1: Sapporo Ramen Zero

[Travel in August 2018] It’s almost a year since my summer trip to Hokkaido. I really love Hokkaido, and in just 8 months (since the winter Hokkaido trip), I am back! My first thought of heading to Hokkaido is a little scared. Initially, I always 

Winter Hokkaido 2017 Day 5: Donabe Hanba-gu Hokutosei

Winter Hokkaido 2017 Day 5: Donabe Hanba-gu Hokutosei

[Travel in December 2017] Always end a day with perfect dinner! ๐Ÿ™‚ This time, we wanted to eat something that was different from the previous days and decided on this. True enough, we were not even sure if they served chicken or pork, but let’s 

Winter Hokkaido 2017 Day 5: Tanukikoji Takoball

Winter Hokkaido 2017 Day 5: Tanukikoji Takoball

[Travel in December 2017] I always believe having a good breakfast will make your day a happier one. So, let me show you how happy my day was! During both my trip to Hokkaido, I had this for breakfast because it’s too good to give 

Winter Hokkaido 2017 Day 2: Suage Soup Curry and Dining

Winter Hokkaido 2017 Day 2: Suage Soup Curry and Dining

[Travel in December 2017] Continue from my Day 2 Part 2. And, we walked to the nearest station and head over toย Tanukikoji Shopping Street for our dinner! ๐Ÿ™‚ Our first train ride haha! Love the lights, city of light! ๐Ÿ™‚ We saw the wrong opening 

Winter Hokkaido 2017 Day 1

Winter Hokkaido 2017 Day 1

[Travel in December 2017] Finally, I am going to share one of my favourite winter trips – Hokkaido!ย Our year end trip changed from Harbin to Hokkaido within 2 nights. In just 2 nights, we got all our accommodations and rough itinerary planned. It’s been 2