Tag: sinchon

Hansin Pocha Sinchon 한신포차 신촌점

Hansin Pocha Sinchon 한신포차 신촌점

[Travel in August 2019] We arrived really late that day, and by the time we checked in to our airbnb its nearly 12 midnight. We randomly walked to this restaurant at Sinchon (walking distance from our airbnb!) and had our first meal of the trip! 

꼬꼬아찌 신촌점

꼬꼬아찌 신촌점

[Travel in March / April 2018] [Visited in 2023, the shop is closed, you can visit the outlet in Gangnam too!] “I wanted to find more nice yummy food around Sinchon, and bring all my friends here whenever we are here for holiday” This is 

Sinchon: General Braised Chicken 장군찜닭

Sinchon: General Braised Chicken 장군찜닭

[Visited in 2023, the store has been replace by another 찜닭 store, I have shared in my current 2023 trip. Look forward =)] [Travel in March/April 2017] I have been staying at Sinchon for a good 10 times so far, and my aim is to 

Choco Blossom @ Sinchon

Choco Blossom @ Sinchon

[Travel during March/April 2016] I am not sure, did I share too much of Sinchon, but Sinchon is one of my favourite places in Seoul (aside from Sinsa and Samcheongdong teeheehee, all the S in Seoul :p) I bought my cousin for a dessert cafe 

쭈꾸미 블루스 Baby Octopus with Pork Belly

쭈꾸미 블루스 Baby Octopus with Pork Belly

[Travel in December 2015] I have tried this stir-fried baby octopus dish at Inchang Octopus and one of the restaurants at Jegi-dong (octopus alley). I am so impressive with how chewy, how soft, how juicy it were. It was then, I really think the journey to 

A to Z Cafe at Sinchon

A to Z Cafe at Sinchon

[Travelled in December 2015] Exploring cafes during holidays seem to be one of the things I love to do. Spending my free time at home when there’s no work, scrolling on my phone (forever) looking for hidden gems. And, the list just get longer and 

Mariwhale Macaron at Sinchon Hyundai Department / Uplex

Mariwhale Macaron at Sinchon Hyundai Department / Uplex

[Travel in March/ April 2015] I was doing some research on cafes in Korea before my spring trip. And I found Mariwhale, I can’t help to share this to Yodolyn because she really like whale relate stuff. She will definitely love it. And, so, we 

Everyone’s Favourite – Sulbing 설빙

Everyone’s Favourite – Sulbing 설빙

Sulbing which translate as 雪冰 (meaning Snow Ice) could be the best word to describe for this korean dessert. Sulbing looks very similar to bingsoo, but instead of shaved ice, its made just like snow flakes which is really really fine that melt into your mouth every mouthful. Its 

신촌 즉석생만두

신촌 즉석생만두

만두, 만두~ It’s a typical korean dish that I think most people will like it. It’s not too heavy for a breakfast, nor its exactly a meal of itself. Oh I really love such meal haha! Much thanks to Cin who found this really cheap and 

Korea: Caffe Bene

Korea: Caffe Bene

(I can’t believe I actually typed this in June, and have missed this out totally. I was still talking about busy with beast promo haha and thats Good Luck comeback when they already ended their 12:30 comeback haha! I insist, I have been really busy with